Time Management Update

It’s been quite a few weeks since I started using the weekly time management printables.

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As you can see, each week was very different, but being able to write down my goals for the day was extremely helpful.


[Week One]


[Week Two]


[Week Three]

Clearly I lost my groove in week three. I was getting ready for our big house hunting trip, so all my normal activities fell by the wayside. Oh well! I never printed any more, so I totally forgot to use it this week. Will get back on the bandwagon next week.

Feel free to download the printable for your own use!!

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hourly printable

Hourly Schedule Printable

So…the hourly schedule thing was a huge success today! I ended up having to scratch my last hour’s goal since Caleb is super cranky today and he’d finally fallen asleep – there was no way I was going to wake him up to go to the post office!

Looking forward to doing it again tomorrow. I feel so much more relaxed at the end of the day knowing I achieved my goals. In a fit of celabratory madness, I made a printable so my daily schedule can look pretty too. Feel free to steal, share, and enjoy it :)

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click here to access printable

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miscellany monday at lowercase letters

Organizing Time

Ever since I wrote the post about meeting (or missing) expectations, I’ve felt like I needed to make some changes in order to meet the reasonable expectations I have for myself. So, last night before heading to bed, I made myself an hourly schedule. Each hour, I designated 2-3 tasks to accomplish so that by the end of the day I could say I had actually accomplished everything, but I only had to think about 2-3 things at a time.


Well, I am half-way through the day and so far so good! I have already crossed off half of my to do’s and feel like I’ve made some progress. Initially, I was going to start the list at 7am, but Caleb slept til 5:45am and then went right back to sleep after eating, so I gave myself an extra hour (and somehow it’s always that last hour of sleep that is the most restorative!). By the time it got to be noon, I decided to switch which hour I ate lunch and took care of putting clothes away.

Maybe I’ll even buy some time for a nap!

Anyways, I am going to make myself a fun template for each day instead of scribbling my schedule on a scrap piece of paper. Will post the final result when it’s finished.

(for the hourly schedule printable, click here)